Parents and Carers

Parents and Carers Information

There is a ratio of 1:8 staff to children. When dropping off and collecting we do regular head counts of the children several times throughout the journey.  The manager records on the register any arrivals or departures. 

The route mapped-out, we believe is the safest for the children, ensuring road crossing is kept to a minimum. The collection and drop off route and procedure has been risk assessed. We will also have some of the older children to be buddies to help the young children.

Children are dropped off with their class teacher at the beginning of the school day by a member of the COSH team. At the end of the school day the children stay with their class teacher, until they are collected by our staff.

If your child is attending an after-school activity, we ask parents to inform us in advance. After their activity, children are collected by a member of COSH staff at the collection point and escorted back to COSH.

We have aimed to cover everything you may want to know about COSH on this website. If you still have unanswered questions about COSH, please feel free to talk to any of the members of staff or management either in person or via phone call or email.